How to travel Dinajpur from Bogra?

There are several bus services available between Bogra and Dinajpur. However, BRTS bus service is the best to travel Dinajpur from Bogra.

BRTC bus leaves everyday from Shatmata around at 7.00 am. Travel cost will be 300Tk per person. However, it is advisable to purchase the tickets from BRTC Shatmata counter in advance in order to ensure your seat. It is to be noted that, the buses operates in this route are not air conditioned.

On the other hand, you can get a local bus from Charmata bus stop. Furthermore, there many buses from Dhaka go to Dinajpur via Bogra.  You can get one of them from Banani and charmata bus stops although not every bus takes passengers from Bogra. 


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